Wednesday, September 30, 2015

5 Wondrous Ways Running Improves Your Health

5 Wondrous Ways Running Improves Your Health

1. Better Knees 
Think running wears out your knees? Think again. One recent study found that it may actually help prevent knee osteoarthritis, a condition that affects roughly 9.2 million adults; another discovered that road warriors were up to 18 percent less likely than walkers to develop the condition, in part because running may increase the thickness of knee cartilage.
2. Less Stress 
When it comes to the mood-boosting effects of running, science suggests you can get more than just an endorphin high. According to a lab study in The Journal of Neuroscience, running may reduce anxiety by triggering neurons that mute your response to stress.
3. Lower Breast Cancer Risk 
A 2013 study of more than 70,000 women revealed that those who walked at least seven hours per week were 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than their more sedentary counterparts. The most active women, who worked out vigorously (running or swimming) for at least six hours a week, slashed their risk by 25 percent.
4. Sharper Mind 
Good news: You don't have to slog away for a long time to reap impressive benefits. One small study found that people who engaged in light activity -- like walking on a treadmill for an hour -- three times a week saw gains in memory after just three months, suggesting that short-term fitness may slow age-related cognitive decline.
5. Longer Life 
In a 2014 study of more than 55,000 people, those who ran daily -- even for just five to ten minutes -- lived, on average, three years longer than those who didn't run. Worth noting: Runners who logged longer workouts didn't significantly decrease their risk of death from heart disease more than those who ran less. Who doesn't have five minutes? Get going!

Friday, September 25, 2015


Carrots are often thought of as the ultimate health food.
You were probably told to "eat your carrots" by your parents and you probably tell your kids the same thing, and when asked why, you explain, "Because they're good for you!"
But how did the carrot get such a good reputation and why exactly are the root vegetables so good for our health?
It is believed that the carrot was first cultivated in the area now known as Afghanistan thousands of years ago as a small forked purple or yellow root with a woody and bitter flavor, resembling nothing of the carrot we know today.1
Purple, red, yellow and white carrots were cultivated long before the appearance of the now popular orange carrot, which was developed and stabilized by Dutch growers in the 16th and 17th centuries.The modern day carrot has been bred to be sweet, crunchy and aromatic.

Possible health benefits of carrots

An overwhelming body of evidence exists suggesting that increased intake of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables reduce cancer and cardiovascular disease risks, carrots included.

  • Cancer: A variety of dietary carotenoids have been shown to have anti-cancer effects due to their antioxidant power in reducing free radicals in the body.  

  • Lung Cancer: One study found that current smokers who did not consume carrots had three times the risk of developing lung cancer compared with those who ate carrots more than once a week.

  • Colorectal Cancer: Beta-carotene consumption has been shown to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population.

  • Leukemia: Carrot juice extract was shown to kill leukemia cells and inhibit their progression in a 2011 study

 Vitamin A deficiency causes the outer segments of the eye's photoreceptors to deteriorate, damaging normal vision. Correcting vitamin A deficiencies with foods high in beta-carotene will restore vision.
Studies have shown that it is unlikely that most people will experience any significant positive changes in their vision from eating carrots unless they have an existing vitamin A deficiency, which is common in developing countries.

So where did all the hype surrounding carrots and vision come from? During World War II, the British Royal Air Force started an advertising campaign claiming that the secret to their fighter pilots clear, sharp vision was carrots. Realistically, the fighter pilot's accuracy was due to a new radar system the British wanted to keep secret from the Germans, but the rumor spread and remains popular today.

Carrot nutritional breakdown

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one medium carrot or ½ cup of chopped carrots is considered a serving size. One serving size of carrots provides 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of sugars and 1 gram of protein.
Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, providing 210% of the average adult's needs for the day. They also provide 6% of vitamin C needs, 2% of calcium needs and 2% of iron needs per serving.
It is the antioxidant beta-carotene that gives carrots their bright orange color. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and converted into vitamin A during digestion.
Carrots also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassiumfolate, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc.

Eat carrot everyday, you can make it a juice too..! It will help you to be healthy.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

How Women's Fitness Differs From Men's ?

Women can be just as fit as men, but that level of "fitness" will never quite be the same. Women's bodies are different from men's. Not only do men and women have different levels of hormones, but the amount of fat and muscle in their bodies is very different as well. Your goal should be to work out for you, according to your gender, body mass and target goals!

Where Men and Women Differ

It's not just the sex organs that are different among men and women, but there are a few marked differences:

  • Testosterone -- Men have higher levels of testosterone than women, and women have higher levels of estrogen than men. Testosterone is the hormone that helps the human body to pack on muscle, while estrogen leads to the growth of fat cells, along with all of the other markers of female sexuality. Women have a harder time packing on the muscle due to higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of testosterone.

  • Weight Loss -- What is the most effective way to burn fat and lose weight? Build muscle! The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you will burn every day and the faster your metabolism will run. Seeing as men have an easier time building larger, more active muscle, it stands to reason that men will have an easier time losing weight as well. The same quality and amount of workout will often yield better results in men than in women.

  • Flexibility -- This is one area where women always take the cake. Women arenaturally more flexible than men, as their bones are shorter and have less pronounced corners. The female body tends to be more rounded, and the bones around the pelvis are more flexible than men's pelvic bones.

  • Muscle Mass -- Men naturally pack on more muscle mass than women, due simply to their higher testosterone levels. If you measured the body mass index of the average man against an average woman of the same weight, the man will usually have a lower body mass index (indicating greater muscle mass).

  • Body Mass Index -- The body mass index determines the ratio of fat to total body weight. Women tend to have a higher body mass index (meaning more fat), but a "healthy" BMI for women is about 5% higher than for men. This is because the fat on a woman's body is important for healthy reproductive function.

What does this mean?

Basically, it means that men have a slightly easier time getting in shape than women do. Men can build muscle more easily, which will in turn help them to lose weight and get in shape. Men also have more strength than women, and they can handle heavier loads more quickly.

That doesn't mean that women can't get in shape as well. It just means that they need to find a workout program that plays to their
 strengths, and they shouldn't try to compete with their fellow man. If you're not seeing the same amounts of gain as your boyfriend/husband/male friend, don't worry about it! Your bodies are designed differently, and what is "fit" to you is not the same as his definition of "fitness". 

When it comes to working out, men and women are from different planets

His idea of getting in shape is pumping iron -- the more, the better. She'd rather pull out the yoga mat.
Whose idea of fitness is better?
The experts say there's no one-size-fits-all answer, but each sex could learn something from the other.
Often, "men work out because they like to be bigger," says Vincent Perez, PT, director of sports therapy at Columbia University Medical Center Eastside in New York. "Pecs,biceps, quads ? men are after bulk."
  • "Guys have an agenda," adds Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Body-for-LIFE for Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation. "They have a specific goal, and there's always a number involved." She calls this the "Home Depot" approach to working out: "They have a blueprint and they just want to get it done."
  • For many men, "working out is a sport, and they do it because it's fun, it's competitive, and it's something that they've always done," says Lori Incledon, author of Strength Training for Women. "For women, fitness is a superficial issue. They do it because it will help them look better."

Men like to look like they've been working out, says Peeke, "the sweatier the better. When was the last time you heard a woman say she wanted to sweat?"
Often, she says, "women think everyone else is looking at them so they're afraid to put on workout clothes or get out there in public with their cellulite jiggling. Do men care what they look like when they're working out? Of course not!"

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Signs You Need to Lose Weight

Signs You Need to Lose Weight ...


The last time you tried to squeeze into your favorite jeans, you almost fainted, If your clothes don’t fit, it might be a sign you need to lose weight…


Moms are fantastically tactful and loving people, so if your mother gently broaches the issue of your weight with you, especially in regards to your health, chances are, she has a point. Give her a patient ear, and listen without being offended. She may be telling you a difficult truth — you need to lose weight.


If you’re constantly feeling sluggish and tired, it may be another sign you need to lose weight, especially if you’ve never had energy issues before. Of course, there are many other causes for a sudden drop in your lust for life (like depression), so this is also a tipoff to see your doctor.


… and speaking of your doctor, if he or she mentions your weight as a health issue, it’s definitely a sign you need to lose weight, seriously! Being overweight can lead to serious chronic and even deadly health issues, like sleep apnea, diabetes, heart disease, and more. If your doctor feels you’re at risk for any of these, listen to her, and ask for her help in putting together a weight loss plan just for you.


If you’re not feeling good about how you look, it’s another sign you need to lose weight. You might be your own worst critic, but sometimes, you have to trust your instinct and listen to your inner voice.


Your Body Mass Index number is another sign you need to lose weight, or even gain weight. Click below link to calculate BMI that takes into account your height, weight, age to tell you what your number is, and what it means.
                                Click here to measure BMI


All of these signs you need to lose weigh pale in comparison to what your heart, and the rest of your body, is telling you. Listen to yourself… again, your inner voice may be trying to tell you something you just don’t want to hear.


One sure sign you might need to lose weight is if you have heart palpitations. Many overweight people will have an increased heart rate, or heart palpitations due to high blood pressure from a poor diet. Be sure to get tests run by your physician to see how your heart rate is, and if you constantly suffer palpitations from stress, or unknown reasons, don't just ignore them. This could be a sign you're overweight, or suffering other issues.


Look down at your feet standing up. Can you see them? If your belly is in the way of seeing you feet, you need to lose some weight. An increased waistline is unhealthy, but when it reaches the point you can't see your toes without bending at an angle, weight loss needs to be something you consider.


When you're overweight, your body will tell you. Signs include things like frequent headaches, constant cravings, poor sleep, trouble waking up in the mornings, sluggish metabolism and no energy. Obviously when you see the pounds increase on the scale, this is another sign, but other signs in your body mentioned here are also very important to pay attention to, so don't neglect them!

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health benefits of drinking water

                          health benefits of drinking water

Water is the main component of the human body. In fact, the body is composed of between 55 and 78 percent water, depending on body size. Adequate and regular water consumption has numerous health benefits. As an added plus, it has no calories, fat, carbohydrates or sugar.
            The amount of water you consume everyday plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Experts recommend drinking eight to 10 glasses of water each day to maintain good health. Water helps keep the body well hydrated, which is essential because almost every cell in the body needs water to function properly.

1. Relieves Fatigue

If you often feel tired, there is a high chance that it could be due to inadequate consumption of water which makes the body function less efficiently. In fact, fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration.
When there is less water in the body, there is a drop of blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to pump oxygenated blood out in the bloodstream, and other major organs also work less efficiently. Thus, drinking adequate water can help your body function better and reduce fatigue.

2. Improves Mood

Research indicates that mild dehydration (even one or two percent lower hydration level of hydration than optimal) can negatively affect your mood and ability to think.
A small study conducted on 25 women and published in the Journal of Nutrition found that being dehydrated can take a toll on your mood and cognitiive function. The color of your urine is a good indicator of your level of hydration. The lighter the color the better the level of hydration and vice versa.

3. Treats Headaches and Migraines

If you have a headache or migraine, the first thing that you can do to get some relief is drink plenty of water. Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration.
In a study published in the European Journal of Neurology, researchers found that increasing water intake helped reduce the total number of hours and intensity of headaches in the study participants.

4. Helps in Digestion and Constipation

Water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps in digestion and prevents constipation. Inadequate water in the body often results in constipation as the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration, thereby making them harder and difficult to pass.
Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food. This helps your digestive system work well and promotes regular bowel movements. Warm water, in particular, is good for digestive health.

5. Aids Weight Loss

In a clinical trial, scientists found that drinking two eight-ounce glasses of water prior to meals can help suppress appetite and hence support your weight loss efforts. When you drink water, it fills your stomach and reduces the tendency to eat more.

Plus, it helps increase the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.
Calorie-free water is also a great replacement for high-calorie drinks like alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks and sodas that often contribute to weight gain.

6. Flushes Out Toxins

Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine.
It also promotes kidney function and reduces kidney stones by diluting the salts and minerals in urine that cause kidney stones.
Though you need to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, experts warn against drinking too much water (although uncommon still, it is possible) as it may reduce your kidneys’ ability to filter out waste.
Thus, it is recommended to drink the amount of water your body requires. As the amount of water required by the body tends to differ from one person to another, it is usually suggested to drink to your thirst, and also include other fluids and foods with high water content in your diet.

so, don't wait. go and drink some water.!


Project Fitness Introduction

Project Fitness

    People are too busy with their lifestyles and they have not even a bit time to think about their health either. Most of peoples' daily routing is wake up, go to work, came back to home, hang with children or watching TV, then again go to sleep. Actually this is not good way of living. because of that habit people getting more diseases day by day. Our young generation also not 100% healthy. When someone say "Fitness", everyone think that it is going to gym and do hard works. NO.!! you all are wrong. that is not what called fitness. There are so many ways to get fit, not only the gym. It is all about stay healthy.Most of people lack of knowledge regarding this subject. 

    We live in 21st century and environment also not so good as past. Sadly we cannot turn the clock back to the time when food did not contain additives, colourants and flavourants, or to when humanity did not pollute our rivers with waste, but thankfully we still have the freedom to choose how we live in this modern age.

    To ensure that you are not introducing toxins into your system, the only way how to live a healthy life is to ensure that all your fruits and vegetables are organic in origin and free from pesticides and chemicals. Be aware! Read food labels and you'll see that most products list their ingredients.

    Because of above reasons, we decide to share our knowledge about fitness and healthy lifestyles among people who surf internet. From this blog you can update your knowledge about health and be a healthy person. This blog will useful to Professionals, employees, mothers, fathers, young girls and boys, married couples, teenagers and every human. We bet that you will bookmark our blog and it will be in your top list in future. This blog will helpful to everyone who wish to live life happy. keep in touch..!